Cartoon network

Regular show

Rigby & Mordicai the coolest guys ever!!
What I really like everyone to learn is the power of our Boss they using against thier employees. Everytime you make a mistake you fired. I know this is embarrassing coz cartoon known as kids stuff!! But I know I'm not the only one watching cartoons. There are lot of guys out there do the same! But they hiding!
 Oooooooh! Loosers!Finish your job! other wise you fired!! (click)
I think friends here teaching our young brothers and sisters to be responsible in their lives. Cause everytime future comes to them and show them what will happen if they do this. And past also come to remind them where they from! To be a good friend to your friend is to be a true friend! And it never too late for any thing in life to fix if you still alive.

The most important thing. Let kids be kids don't treat them as adults. Let them do kids stuff. Play the way they like when ever wherever they like! Your job is protect them keep them safe at all times. Language that you speak in front of them they will speak it tomorrow. So is important to mind your language in of kids. Mother's stop fighting your fight with kids. Keep kids away from their father's make them look bad! And father's does that too! Stop it children need both their parents. You relationship must not come to the child's life. Let work hard for our kids!!


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